Saturday, January 2, 2010

12 Days of Christmas Gifts--867-5309


My cousin Jenny's always been a Star Wars fan (god willing the new trilogy hasn't changed that), so I'm making her this Yoda saying.  And even if George Lucas's Search for More Money killed that love, I think the saying fits her personality pretty well. 

The original (to the left, to the left) is by krupp

One of the first things I did was look up what color Yoda's light saber is.  Because if you're doing a hand-made nerd gift you found on the internet, you might as well go full nerd.

All of my learnings suggested that Yoda has a green light saber, and I'll be damned if I'm going to sit through Episodes 1 through 3 again.  The light saber beam is being stitched with one strand 703, one strand E703.  120 stitches.

I hate working with metallics.  They get tangled up constantly, and even when they're blended with regular floss they're an incredible pain in the ass.  If you get something from me that has metallic floss, it means I love you.  Or my artistic vision made me forget how much I hate metallics.

I also decided to change the letters to two shades of blue that I've got around for my recoloring of Octopus's Garden.  For something like this, I'm on my own for colors.  The pattern is basically just the big version of that picture, so I've got to either try to do my best match (Yoda himself) or go off on my own.

And here's the finished version.  I thought about trying to give Yoda a face, but then I remembered that I hate French knots.

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