Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I did this while watching series 1 of Pulling, so that's why my phrasing may have gone weird

No matter what the internet or Crochet for Dummies says, changing yarn colors is not fun and easy.

Being the sort of person I am, I want Batman potholders.  If I were smart enough to crochet the bat-logo, I would sit back and think, "Self, today you have actually accomplished something."

My other dream was to crochet a Star Trek potholder and have it say "Bake it so, #1".  And I thought that, even though that site gives a knitting pattern, I could just use the chart and do it in crochet.

Because God doesn't want me to have nice things, I am too stupid to follow a crochet color chart and have it look like an actual design instead of technicolor failure.

And then I found out that you can cross stitch on crochet.  So I thought: that's something I'm way more competent in!

I know people are impressed that I can demand so much of myself for some things and yet still be so lazy.  And I can probably be too critical, but I look at this, and I just think, "Kate, I dare you to do better.  Because this is a bit shit."

And since it's nerd-craft, I can't even give it to my grandmother who is legally obligated to say it looks very nice and pretend they need more potholders.

Next step is to add a border, felt it, figure out what to do if felting makes it look even worse, and figure out what to do about the back.

If anyone ever tells you that the back of your cross stitch should be as neat as the front, they're taking the piss.

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