Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Late post this week, but if you know me on Facebook or in real life, you know that I spent Monday being told not to freak out over thesis stuff and then freaking out anyway.  Because staying calm and keeping things in perspective is, like, so mainstream.  You may laugh at me because I'm different, but guess what?  I laugh at you because you're all the same.

My first loom knitting project: Special Olympics Scarf Project scarf.  Sure, my scarf and I have managed to miss two state deadlines now, but I'm sure there's a cruel and tasteless joke that could be made!

Well, technically my second loom knitting project.  The first would be a sad cat blanket I made to practice loom knitting and to use up some baby yarn.  Zoot sat on it while it was still attached to the loom, then enjoyed sitting on it as an actual blanket for awhile.

There are still states collecting, so if you knit or crochet, there's still time.  I've started a second one!  Because when you believe in yourself, there's no telling how many deadlines you can completely miss!

And if you don't want to risk missing all the deadlines, the 2013 colors will be announced some time in April.

Scarf photos and collage by Julia L.  Cat washing butt is all me.

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