Thursday, September 6, 2012

Have a Heart Bazaar

This weekend you can live your dream of experiencing Jupiter Star Power LIVE by visiting me at the Have a Heart Bazaar from 8-1 this Saturday (9/8).  Assuming it doesn't rain, I'll be in the parking lot of Costen Floors with high quality handmade items!

The table will be a charming reproduction of the Jupiter Star Power experience as it does not involve a couch, my cat sleeping on craft supplies, or the shameful reality television that powers my muse.

There will be a small selection of official Kate Kindle Kozies and Kate Kindle Kozy Jr (sometimes I want to use up yarn but don't have enough for a full Kindle Kozy) and a whole litter of Lucky Cats.  They bring you good luck without having to maim a rabbit!

I still need to put the finishing touches on some kozies, make the rest of the Lucky Cats, and finish tagging and bagging.  Oh, and go to work like an adult with a real job.
I considered getting nice(ish) bags, decorating them, and charging a little bit extra for a bag, but I couldn't think of an amount that would cover costs and time without just pissing people off.  So, I found brown paper lunch bags.  You have no idea how tempted I am to decorate them and pretend they're collectibles.  I should probably be stopped before I start writing "#/50" on them.  They are reusable lunch bags though--after you take your fine merchandise home, you can put food in the bag!  Or children's party favors! SKY'S THE LIMIT!

Yeah, the Kindle Kozy Kollection is looking a bit sparse, but I didn't allow myself enough time for any serious mass crocheting.  I'll probably bring some of the cross stitch pieces that haven't sold on Etsy.  Maybe it'll give my table that rummage sale look that terrifies and befuddles potential customers, but who knows what somebody might want to buy?  

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